ECU Cloning

ECU Cloning is a cheaper way of fixing your vehicle or replacing your vehicle ecu if something has gone wrong with it, this can range from power surge burning out the ecu or water damage or general breakdown of electronics.

How is it done?

Cloning an ECU is a fairly simple process for someone with the right knowledge and tools. But for the normal end user, the thought of it would boggle the mind. Cloning starts by reading all the data from one ecu and then writing that original data onto another suitable unit. This included the engine file and the eeprom data that is part of your immobilizer system. If the entire procedure isnt done correctly you could end up with 2 broken ecus! never allow a novice to do this!

Advantages of cloning? Lots!

Cheaper to do than replace the entire kit. A new ecu is much easier to source than a full ecu kit. Doing this Allows the ECU to be remapped at the same time for power and MPG Gains! (Our best bit!) Normal turn around is 2-3 Days.

Why Choose Us

Our in house team of tuners have a combined 20 years experience from every day vehicles to high performance race cars and even HGV!

  • We tune from scratch and get things running exactly as you require!
  • We are a friendly and professional group of people
  • We supply plug and play ecus for any vehicle,


  • We base our prices on the work required. For any quotes please contact us!